On day 3 I found some lovely parting gifts under the washer and dryer though. I swear that as I pulled the washer out from it’s little cubby hole of a closet, I could hear dear old Wink declaring “And behind Door #1 IS”
A lovely pair of mismatched socks COVERED in dryer lint, and only God knows what (and yes…those are the wayward socks that you can barely make out just under the water lines, now you know where to look the next time you lose one of the two)

And behind door #2 we have?
MORE LINT…that’s right you’ve won a life time supply of old dryer lint…aren’t you lucky! You’ll also notice that you’ve won a gaping hole in the drywall…

Aren’t they great? Gifts from the previous owner and tenants of our wonderful home. I better clarify a little before Wife takes it upon herself to skin me alive for posting these for everyone to enjoy. We bought our home from a woman that I honestly don’t believe cleaned anything. On top of this she had rented it out to another woman who I know DIDN’T clean a damn thing in the house, EVER! She left everything filthy, cat pee soaked and smelly. When we took ownership as renters we scrubbed and cleaned and bleached everything we could think of…unfortunately this area escaped our gaze. Even when we purchased the place and went through all the renovations last year, this area once again escaped our attention. Not the best excuse, but an excuse none the less.
Days 4 & 5 didn’t bring me lovely parting gifts like day 3, but it did bring me a nice coat of fresh new paint…officially turning this last refuge of the previous owner and renters to an end…THANK GOD…

This is the new laundry area…
The glow isn’t over exposure from the camera…it’s the divine glow of the clean and freshly painted closet…you mean you didn’t know that God is in a coat of fresh paint? Well now you do…so go forth and paint my children…paint…

This is our sweet new fan, purchased from the giant Orange store for a whopping $49.99. What do you get for this great value you ask? Well you get two scratched fan blades and 3 burned out light bulbs out of 4…such a value I don’t know how I will ever be able to move on.
I only wish that I had a camera when Wife came home on Wednesday. It was a glorious sight as she walked in on an entry way missing all of it’s tile. That picture would have been priceless, and would most likely have brought me fame and fortune…but I didn’t and now I’m the only one that gets to experience that image. I like to think that I made an impact that day…one that says don’t ever leave me alone for more than a day, if you do, you never know what you might come home to find.
Thankfully all that is left of our great remodel is door casing and some base board. The slate entry is ready to be put down and some hardwood laminate to finish off the office and the house is officially finished…but that’s for another day…
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